...out and about with a camera in my hand. This is the kind of daily randomness I live for. Just wish I COULD always make sure to have a camera in my hand to capture it all. I think I might just do this. Camera. in hand. more often.
I spent most of yesterday in this way. It was awesome.

Breakfast with Sena at
Kitsch'n on Roscoe was SO GOOD.

I devoured the coconut crusted french toast with raspberry sauce.

It was divine. But typically, there is no day with Sena that isn't divine.

Can't wait to meet up with my beautiful friend again SOON!
Later on, Chato and I got to head over to
"q" on Dearborn to celebrate Nichole's 30th birthday. It was great to surprise this girl with good food, family and friends! Love you

I've got to say, I have been really enjoying my city lately. Even to the point that traffic doesn't seem to bother me much anymore. Chicago truly. I love living here. I need to tackle some more of it more often.

And in honor of Nichole's birthday...on the way home from dinner, I found her some fodder for her brand new ETSY shop:
PictoPersonal - if you are looking for unique gifts - it's time to shop for Christmas!! :0)

It was such a nice day, even Chicago's parking fees couldn't get me down.

After our early outing, we were summoned home to take Chef Brandan to the grocery store with his Thanksgiving menu items in hand. One 20+lb turkey later and all the sides in mind, this kid just needs to press his new apron and set his internal alarm clock for crack o' dawn on Thursday morning - 'cause we know he won't let us sleep in on THAT day.
Looking forward to a three day week with lots of festivities...
Nothing beats good friends and good fun!
What a yummy day! Sounds like so much fun. I still think I need to be a city girl:)
you're making me want to venture downtown ... i love the feel of the tall buidings.
and i am totally excited over brandon's thanksgiving. you will take pictures to share right?
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