Tuesday, June 18, 2024

50 State CHALLENGE: NYC stop


Back in 2014, Chato set the goal of running forty races as he turned the BIG 4-0.  Fast forward ten years, we've certainly rode a roller coaster, but he has reset our sights on his next challenge: wrap up the states we haven't knocked off.  With the purchase of a scratch off map, we discovered 23 states together over our 25 years and nicely rubbed them out.  We realized that there were 5 states that one of us could say we hit, but the other could not. There were 21 that neither of us had gone near, but there was New York - we had both "touched" but not at the same time together or long enough to count (when we crossed the bridge while in Niagara Falls back in 2015. 

So, it is time to get to work:

Let's get New York done:

We took my birthday weekend to take on the Big Apple.  Chicago kids in a big(ger) city?  Say less; we've got this!  From bike riding through Central Park, taking in a Broadway production, and jumping on subway trains, ferries, taxis, and a lot on foot, we saw all the sights in lightening speed.

New Jersey was on Chato's "to do list" even though I had visited it back in 1985 when my Aunt took my family over to Atlantic City.  We are at break even right down the middle and halfway to somewhere: 25 states to go.

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