Tuesday, January 20, 2009

witness to history

How proud was I to be present alongside our school body on this day, to pay witness to the swearing in of our nation's 44th president. (It's what educators call a "teachable moment"!) We were fortunate enough to have a big screen that projected the scenes of Washington, D.C. and allowed us to take part in this historical event. Our students may not have stood amongst the millions gathered along our nation's Mall, but they took part with ears wide open to hear President Obama ask us to stand up with our values of honesty, curiosity, and courage to make our future brighter. When the students rose to sing our national anthem - there couldn't have been a dry eye in the house!

Whether the vote that was cast was one of support or of dissent, all must agree that no matter what race, religion, or gender is followed; today's events will be marked on the books - and no matter how you look at it - history designs our future.


Nichole said...

I disagree. What's the big deal???

;) Beautifully said!! I really wish the kids would've gotten the reference to George Washington crossing the Delaware, though.

Jen Mc said...

How very fortunate for you and your students! I listened to it on the radio. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Shel said...

They did this at Matt's school too! I think it is a FABULOUS idea!

Pam said...

That is a great picture Candi! That is just awesome that your school did this!