Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I always try to mark the anniversary of my grandfather's birthday. It was his hand that guided mine into a passion for pictures and recording yesterday's stories. I'm not so sure that I would be the scrapbooker I am today if it weren't for the many hours that I rested my chin on his left arm, as he told me the stories of our family members near and far. This picture, late 1950's, of Papa with my oldest male cousin, reminds me how much he doted on us all. Many years later, we only have memories of them both, as time has taken them from us - neither of which we were ready to let go of...

So, a centennial and three years later - our heart still holds him dear.


Pam said...

How awesome that you had someone like this to inspire your passion!

rcprncss said...

What an inspiring post and picture. :)