On this laid back, casual day, Princess Aly had to dress up and hold true to the role to enjoy her birthday. She has really changed the way we look at the world.
Aly is soft spoken, unless you ruffle her feathers. She is a gentle soul, easily pleased, and a sucker for all techy stuff in the universe (ie computers, cell phones, Wii games, videos, karaoke). She loves school. She has a grand passion for "Betty and Veronica" comic books. Jewelry for ears, fingers, wrists, ankles are a necessity, but do not, and I mean DO NOT, try to paint her nails! Flip flops and tank tops in the summer and a fuzzy sweater in the winter and she is set to go. A lover of all things teal and the Eiffel Tower round her out and make her our cute, freckle-faced little girl...
Along with Momma and Papa, we took her to lunch at PF Changs where her and her brother munched on calamari, slurped spicy chicken noodle soup, and gobbled shrimp fried rice.
Looks like it was a lovely day! Happy birthday, Aly! And btw...in the close up of her above, she looks soooooooooooooo much like her momma!
Looooooooove the pictures! Nice depth of field you got going on here:) Happy birthday to Aly, she is a beautiful girl!!!!!! I used to love the Betty and Veronica comic books too! I wish I still had them, I would so send them your way!
Wow! Nice job on the pics! I am making it harder than it is...but I will get some soon! My fav is the chopstick one!
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