We had Momma and Papa drop us off at O'Hare this morning, ready to travel!

The flight was pretty uneventful to Houston (minus a bit of landing turbulence) and we took the train over to the next terminal to catch our connecting flight.

We landed in Leon, Gto. and warm temps and sunny skies welcomed us.

The kids worked their way straight into the pool.

While the rest of us decided to catch the setting sun.

...but it isn't the most friendly picturesque spot with zooming night traffic. Can you see my bite-sized family posing for me?

They got tired of posing for me, so when I was able to jump out and catch them - they weren't ready, of course...

It was yummy, especially if you count the bolillos that you could dip into a garlic/guac sauce.

...ah but the majority of the day was spent traveling, so we look forward to regaining our strength for MANANA!!!!
Hasta pronto...
1 comment:
So glad you have made it safe and sound...love reading about your adventures! All that beautiful architecture....sigh.
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