Thursday, July 29, 2010

fun filled

At some point last week, Brandan said "This summer is SO not fair!" Why would he say something like this? What child finds the glorious days of summer as being unjust? I'm going to shoot for the assumption here...He has definitely picked up on the fact that he must DO (chores, rules, odd jobs) to GET (fun times, free time, and all out cool things). SO, there within lies the truth: You must accomplish to gain.
And this is where I find it all funny. He can set up his kool-aid stand and sit with it for 90 minutes on a sun streaked day (enough to pull in $23 in said time) and not blink an eye at it being work, but ask him to carry his laundry basket downstairs and UGH, THE HORROR of it all....
Fun filled it is. I know he will look back on it years from now (because he loves my scrapbooks and pictures and stories of family) and realize just how fun filled it is (was). So I put my fingers in my ears and believe. Fun filled. fun filled. fun filled.
Tuesday, Caitlin, Jessica, and Allison joined the kids with their stand. And like I said, $23 in 90 minutes for a couple of cups of sweet drink and a package or two of candy isn't a bad deal (the tips are amazing, in and of itself). Brandan has been working on a way to distribute snow cones. The place where they set up is NOT an ideal spot for a plugged in snow cone machine, so....
Wednesday, we took the train into the city to drop off a special package, and prayed that the weather would allow us to side trip around the Loop. We ended up in Millennium Park fountains...
...and ended up finding some unplanned ways to cool off...
Let's just say, we had to walk around a bit before we could manage to get back on the train without getting angry glances!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my city and all it offers!
We kicked back for a bit on the steps of the Art Institute...
...and I kind of wished we could have gone in. I really want to see the Cartier-Bresson photography exhibit. Another day, I guess. We searched for the Route 66 sign that SHOULD have been in front of museum - at Jackson & Adams. That is the official start of the iconic road we are intending to follow at the end of August...BUT it was now where to be found?!?

Today, we are out to lunch with Momma and Papa. The kids have swimming lessons and I am hoping for a bit of scrap time....


Mrs. Weddle said...

i want to ride the train, you got me all inspired to do another trolley run with the kids and take pictures.

Pam said...

I miss going up there summers when I was in middle and high school and the girls would take the train in and SHOP all day down Michigan Ave!! Love the pictures, esp. that one where you can see Aly splashing Brandan, hee hee!

Aislynn really really wants to do a lemonade stand. I guess I should let her. I just think she is too little-she thinks pennies are worth more than dimes because they are bigger:) So I will have to do most of the work. I am just being lazy mama...