Saturday, January 7, 2012

the start

Somewhere down the road is where this will pop up. If it is me that comes across it, I might have a variety of reactions. Why on earth would I have posed for a picture without make up, without getting my hand out of my face, without my hair combed? This would be my first thought of what I would think today. Years from now, it may not be me that comes across this picture of all of my self imposed imperfections. It could be my kids or possible grand kids. I can't imagine what they will see in it, but today, there is a spot in my heart that calms me...because they will be able to see ME.

There are a ton of avenues I could twist this story into.

I could tell you about the day we were sifting through pictures of my mother-in-law reflecting on the life she left behind and found THIS first picture, so calm and real to life outside of any huge event. Her eyes were intently focused on the camera, but all the while there were no grimaces or effort to look away. You could see her. There were no imperfections, through our eyes...looking back.

I could tell you how I dream of finding a childhood picture of my grandfather. One that is clear. One that shows him as a child. One that gives me a clue to something new that he didn't get the chance to tell me about. Or a picture of my grandmother - there are only two in my possession - just to admire the look on her youthful face.

I could tell you how much I love to take pictures (but you knew that already). And because I love to take pictures, I am always behind the lens. I'm learning to be more adventurous and put the "imperfections" aside when I use the flip lens on my iPhone. I CAN put myself into the picture more. But WILL I?

When I overheard the conversations of "52 weeks of Me" I didn't jump at it like I should have. Thank goodness for encouraging friends and really cool examples out there in the virtual world, I have been pulled in - and not a moment to late! I will FORCE myself to take a picture every week. I will use pictures (like the yucky one above) that note me...not just the ME I want YOU to see. I can do this for a year. I can guarantee that my year long collage will look interesting. I can guarantee that it will get some interesting raised eyebrows too. ;) I can guarantee that if my great grandchildren want to know me - they will SEE me.


Corey~living and loving said...

oooooooo I'm so glad you are jumping in. You post is perfect. So very true to the idea behind this project. in our families....down the line, they'll just be glad to have these photos of YOU. :) I'll have a linky up on my blog later tonight. Please link up. :)

Nichole said...

I didn't even bother to shower for mine, lol. I think an album of them at the end of the year will feel like a big accomplishment!

Pam said...

link me up, I wanna hear more about this...

This speaks to me because this is why there are hardly any pictures of me...I only want one taken of me if I look presentable;) I can't wait to see the year end collage!

Corey~living and loving said...

so great. Love this post. Thanks for linking up! :)I'm thrilled.

Mrs. Weddle said...

i should do this ...

Gayle said...

I'm doing this, too, just because there are no photos of me for the future when I am gone. This will force me to take some (although I blew the first week). My issue is it will suck to post photos of how I look to the kids....I sure don't look like that in my mind's eye! ;) LOL

Arizaphale said...

Well I personally LOVE this one. I think the glint in your eye is so full of mischief!