Sunday, March 18, 2012

I swear

 I know it has seemed like I fell off the face of the earth.  We are all still here.  I promise.

This week, alone, we have played part of 80 degree temps in the middle of March in the city of Chicago and spring hasn't even sprung yet.  Yeah.  Tell that to the tulips in my backyard.

The kids almost immediately pulled out the tanks and cut-offs.  Almost.  They asked to make sure first.  I had to think twice.  Okay, maybe three times before I could comprehend the situation myself.

But before all of these happy-go-lucky faces celebrating St. Paddy's day yesterday, we were SICK with all capital letters intentionally blown out of proportion to state our case.  I got it first.  I was flat as a pancake for two whole school days in the middle of the week. 

Aly had it rough and held on to it for nearly four days.  Thank goodness she slept through most of it.  Then hacked herself silly the whole weekend before Brandan's birthday.

All of us exhibited something different.  I didn't have the fevers that the kids did.  And the sniffles and congestion was crazy goofy.

Brandan hasn't slept in the middle of the day like this since he was little and it was nap time!  There wasn't an earthquake that could have woke him up on this day.

I am just GLAD to see it gone out of our systems.  Good Riddance bad germs and antibodies.  I know it was me that jinxed us.  I had just finished bragging that my kids had not been sick enough to visit a doctor in FOREVER...yup, my fault.  Karma.  I know.

Finally, on the good end of things, we celebrated Brandan's birthday a bit early so that everyone could gather on the weekend. 

Can you say THIRTEEN without crying?

I can't.  How is it possible that I am the mother of a teenage son?  It's crazy.

With all kinds of cousins, best friends, and family we sang the song (minus a bunch of lit candles b/c there was no lighter to be had) and rang in the happy doomsday teenage years.

                                                                        We can survive this... :)
 He was quite content with all of monetary gifts...

We made plans for a trip to the mall.

Aeropostale was cleaned out, I am pretty sure.  Lots of tees in many colors, cologne, and new baseball cap...wait...did I say cologne? 



We enjoyed dinner with Sena and Fred somewhere before all of the sickness and celebrations.  There isn't anything like Korean BBQ...
...but I will only partake in the delicacy when this is my CHEF...
Sena is the bomb.  I <3 her so.
Last weekend we celebrated Giselle's sixth birthday, and awaited...
 ...the arrival of her brand new baby brother, NOAH!!!!
 Noah Sebastian was born on Thursday and he is a complete doll.  Fuzzy from head to toe, we can't wait to play with this new little cousin and watch him grow!!
So, a month later and a bunch of celebrations later...our little Martha Stewart reminded us that we couldn't ignore St. Patrick's day.  She is such a nut...
State testing is finally over at school too (the kids are relieved!), but I made sure to add plenty of NEW art into the mix...this year I attempted something new.  I intro'd my students to Van Gogh's idea of self portraits and reflection.  And thank GOD I have two outstandingly courageous administrators who support my crazy artistic endeavors with my students...(see them? It was Pajama day at school on Friday!)  I <3 them both.
So, life goes on.
And I SWEAR I will try not to been gone too long again.  Spring break is coming, and coming soon.  Count the days with us.  And keep this little quote in mind if you, like me, struggle through...

1 comment:

Mrs. Weddle said...

:) love the catch up posts