Tuesday, June 19, 2012

sorting it out

It has been a process.
I am not quite sure I've even began to unknot the kinks.
As if it weren't noticeable enough, these past six months have been sadly uneventful due to our strenuous work habits and fussing over all the parts of life outside of our own home.  We are well.  We have been well.  Now if everything else would let us BE, we would BE just dandy.

That is just about to enter reality mode.
Summer is here for the kids and I, as school let out FINALLY last Friday the 15th.  We slipped into it so sweetly.  The past couple of weeks we were lucky enough to be distracted with our annual trip to the farm, followed by the next weekend when Christina & Jason came to the city for a visit...
 ...where we fit in quick trips to Millennium Park, Buckingham Fountain, and Navy Pier.

That helped June collapse nicely into full on summer break.
Our very first Monday, yesterday, where we typically would have been getting up to trudge out the door to school was rerouted to Sawyer, Michigan.  Sand, surf, and big breezes welcomed us back to Warren Dunes...
 ...where I promptly placed Zac Brown tunes in my head and relaxed...
 ...knee deep in the water somewhere...
 ...and the kids did too.  We had Cristian, Alex, Laura with us and met up with Nichole, Zoe, and Max.  Six kids and three Mommies with a picnic lunch and no agenda = awesome start to summer.
 Our only struggle was the high winds that swept through in the late morning...
...that eventually picked up our tent and blew it to pieces.  You can see its skeletal remains in the background.  Poor tent.
Today, we are a bit crispy and quite lazy, but I think we are ready to sign back on to the fun side of life, gather a bit momentum, and rebuild this thing I used to be so proud of: my blog.

1 comment:

Pam said...

wonderful pictures. I can't wait to see your Costa Rica ones;)

I got sunburned the other day a little bit:( It was cloudy and we weren't expecting to be at the beach for as long as we were. My shoulders...ouch!

Hope you are enjoying your freedom;)