Sunday, December 30, 2012

wrappin' it up

 2012 in the books.
It's amazing how fast this world turns.  But my monkeys had their spirit in check and we enjoyed a nice Christmas once again.

 The kids played games while the elder elf napped.
It is sweet.old-fashioned time spent at mom & dad's.
My new Polaroid came out to enjoy some instant printing.
And the kids were, typical, up at the crack of dawn Christmas morning.
Oh, how the time changes things, happy to receive clothing in place of toys, cologne in place of video games, baskeball books in place of board games...
...while somethings remain the same - good old-fashioned Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory books are always a winner.
We've been so fortunate.
Never a Christmas to disappoint.
Always time to relax and be with family.

Christmas Day evening was back at home, where cousins ran wild and little smiles are easily enchanted with lights and sounds.
Griselda helped me to learn the ins and outs of Pozole-making.
Sweet treats were abound.
 Noah's merry christmas grin...
...was infectious... it should be when dreaming of peace on earth and goodwill to men...
For some reason, I can't stop thinking about how we have arrived at where we are.  I can never express how lucky we are to be a part of this life, where opportunities are around every corner.  But I think, through hard work and optimism we've made gains where we choose to make them.  We are looking forward to a very busy, but fun 2013.  May you be blessed and enjoy this new start for another wonderful year!

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