Saturday, February 20, 2010

setting an olympic pace

We are enjoying the endless streaming winter sports that are broadcasting from our neighbor to the north. The Olympics are always awesome to watch, but the WINTER OLYMPICS are my favorite. So today, I found it fitting that I set a record for myself. I snapped some pictures and put them to layout in less than an hour! That is a gold medal winning performance for someone who is still scrapping pictures from April 2009. Here is my award winning work:I did regress and grab some old pictures too. But, I do have to say...I am thrilled to have gotten involved in four completed layouts in just under two evenings.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled couch sitting, Olympic watching behaviors...


Mrs. Weddle said...

love the sibling pictures ... :) i have to keep those up too. and i'm jelous of your turn around time :)

Shel said...

I'm loving your lifts and your new header! :)

Pam said...

Nice turn around time-you do deserve a medal!!! I love your new blog header too!!!! I seriously have to try those pictures with K and A!

Nichole said...

CUTE! Love B&A!!! And where the hell have I been? How did I not see the new header???