Monday: 5/17/2010
Most days I don't witness the other three fourths of this house's morning routine. I don't watch the lazy monsters drag themselves out of bed, nor do I see the breakfast liquado get made. When you are up before all of that and out the door - it is just not something I get to do. Today that was different. I stayed back to attend a field trip with Aly's third grade class, and I got to SEE what happens in a typical morning.

It looked a little rough...if you ask me!

While Chato headed off to work to get his day started, I contended with brushing teeth and combing hair.

I haven't gotten the chance to do this ALL school year.

Smarty pants, Aly, got me brushing my teeth...turn-a-bout is fair play.

It was nice dropping the kids off at school, watching them head off into their day.

And then I got on a school bus and joined Aly's class at the Chicago History Museum. I had the best group of FIVE third graders - so attentive and polite - or maybe it is because I am most encouraged around eight and nine year old faces...

They were all picture friendly too!
Aly got to ride a unicycle that she could barely reach the pedals on...

...and turn herself into a Chicago style hotdog!

Before long, it was time to get back on the bus and head home.

Another part of the daily routine, SNACKS AFTER SCHOOL -I don't normally get to see.

And then, somewhere after that, a cough set in and I felt the aches and pains of a cold coming on. The kids, oddly enough, let me close my eyes next to a cup of hot tea Brandan made for me. Later on, when I uploaded pictures, I would realize SOMEONE had been playing with the camera...

Brandan helped me get dinner started...

Easy peasy taco salad...

And before long the kids headed outdoors, damp yucky cold weather aside, and played their hearts out.

Yes, big kids, too...Chato went for a run and lifted weights in the backyard.

I wrapped a scarf around my neck and headed somewhere out of site, where no physical activity was needed.

Later on, Chato settled in for his nightly novela, "Hasta que el Dinero nos Separe"...

...and I snacked on some applesauce...err..never mind... it was cherry chocolate chip ice cream (perfect for a dry cough, right?)

Back to a more normal, hectic schedule I suppose.
That field trip looks fun...Miss Aly looks like she isn't hiding from the camera, this week-awesome! I hope you feel better soon too...that is so sweet that Brandan made you a cup of tea:)
Great action shots! Isn't this project so much fun??? I loved doing it and watching others do it too!
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