Sunday, August 12, 2012

starting up and again

 I'll never tell you being an educator isn't an adventure.  And it won't be me you hear saying that things never change.  It isn't all rewarding all the time, but it's completely worth it when it is.

When the time came to ring in the summer, my days were already numbered.  For the second time in three years, it was time to move onwards to another realm of reality, but yet back to the roots of where I became the teacher I am today.  As school starts TOMORROW I will once again find the love of a full on bilingual classroom teaming with eight and nine year old second language learners.  Trying out my first year-round calendar, a start this early in the season wasn't something I was looking forward to, but I think I've got my ducks all lined up...
...with some fresh inked posters that pull double duty in English and Spanish.

But that was the easy part.
Packing up 13 years of classroom belongings (mainly library  books and tons of files) and carrying them out one building and into another was enough to kill a person or two - thank GOD for Allison, my little cousin, who volunteered to help me!  We were able to get everything down each flight of stairs little by little...
...and little by little within the period of two days I was able to get everything into this new identical home.  (How crazy is it that my previous school and my new school were designed on the same blueprint and I am on the exact same floor just a few feet down from my old room!?!)
 But there was tons to do with a room that was inherited from a career long educator who had just I shifted and sorted and dug and threw...
...until I found homes for my personal belongings and cleared a cut path through...
...little by little each day this past week.  I was VERY concerned on Monday, but felt much better on Tuesday...
...but by Wednesday I was able to see a completed library with labels...
...old chalkboards brightened with vibrant chalk markers...
...and feel there was a sense of "making progress" was occurring.
On Friday, when I left for the weekend, I had a nice, clean room ready to welcome my new students on August 13th.  And it is slowly but surely feeling like home...

There's tons of messes we will make and loots of ideas still not written in stone, but...

...the paperwork will keep me busy for awhile, too... 
SO wish us LUCK in this new change-filled adventure.  I'm sure we have plenty more to learn...

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