Saturday, October 27, 2012

Of these October days...

...they are always some of my favorites, but they often tend to elude me.  These autumn days make everything come to an end so abruptly.  So....

I ALWAYS make an attempt to breathe in the colors.  It made my heart happy to know that my backyard roses are still blooming.  I can't wait to purchase some coral and yellow ones next spring.  My intention is to fill the entire backyard with them (now that the kids are older and won't fall over into them - or at least, should no better!)
 The boys took in one last round of golf last weekend...
 We celebrated Eddie's birthday...
 ...and can't wait to celebrate a bit more in the week to come...
 I caught both: sunrise and sunset - all in one day.  Amazing for my Chicago existence.  It is rare for life's busy trek to let me have the notion of capturing it.  I tend to make such a big deal of it if we are on vacation or on the road, but it needs to happen more often here at home.  We take our beautiful skies for granted in the city.
 The temperature has dropped.  Out come the scarves...
 Basketball season is upon us, and this year Aly is taking up the course.  She is two weeks in to pulling off double sports; volleyball and B-ball are on her docket.  Our couch potato must have gotten bit by a sports bug!  She's very excited and doing well so far.  SO.  FAR.
 Us girls also took time to get a trim...
 I created a hearty agenda once my Fall Break from school showed up.  I had intentions of being very crafty.  My first item on my hit list was to FINALLY hit the desktop that has been damaged and beat up over the past 12 years.  I removed it's glass top...

...ripped apart an old, faithful dictionary...
...pulled out a big jug of Mod Podge...
...and then got completely side tracked.
My jury duty summons turned into a three day trial.  My autumn splendor of crafty time was obliterated by having to return to the courthouse each day to do a civic duty.

Thank goodness it was over by Wednesday afternoon.
I was able to take a road trip with Chato to the Quad Cities, where he had to visit one of his other company's facilities.  I'm truly considering falling in love with the bridges that cross the Mississippi...
...and I'm gathering steam to cross this big river once and for all to head out WEST...
...where that great sun sets.

We stayed at Jumer's Hotel & Casino, having a bit of fun Friday evening with a certain slot machine that we fed $10...
 ...and amazingly enough...
 ...walked away from with a $58 profit!  Cha Ching!

Both Thursday and Friday were well spent while Chato went to work, I stayed behind in the hotel room , jammies and all, and set up shop...
scrap shop, that is! 

Raise your hand if you remember the last time that SNAP. SCRAP. REPEAT was actually about scrapbooking?! I'd have to search for that answer myself.  I designed a notebook...
...and a myriad of pages that included old, vintage pictures...
 At some point, well over a year ago, I began a handmade album to keep up with all of the Instagram pictures we were shooting on out iPhones...
 I added a new insert to make way for this year's updates...
...and started trying to catch up... a 12x12...
There is so much to be added, and I didn't make a dent.   But my scrappy bug is not as dormant as it has been this past year.  I'm hoping to find the time to cooperate with it. :)

 Back at home, I added a splash of color to my desktop...
 ...and I'm very happy with the outcome of that beat up desktop.  A nice matted coat and the glass top is back in place. 
 Guess it's time to put it back to use.  Time to pull out the lesson plans and head back to class on Monday. :(
Just a few more October days left to enjoy...some of the kids' favorites, I suppose.  Maybe a haunted house and some trick or treating are in store.  There's still a pumpkin to be carved and seeds to be roasted, too.  I guess I was thinking if I saved it all up to the very last few days, I could stretch it out a bit longer, huh?
We'll see.

1 comment:

Pam said...

can you believe October is almost over?!

glad you and Chato got some time away together and most of all that you scrapped! woo hoo!! i adore your desk turnout!

we carved our pumpkin yesterday and we roasted the seeds this year for the first time, but I burned them (Darn it!!!). there is always next year;)