Sunday, February 28, 2010

the camera shy doldrums

We are so ready to shake off these winter days. These home bodies need to be out in the fresh air, where things are turning green and the skies are blue. But, instead, we are holding out, under cover, doing the inside chores and getting itchy for the tides to turn.

...and for that reason, the camera sits idol on the shelf with a slight film of dust beginning to build.

Slowly, I have began to work my way into all of those 2009 pictures I have left behind. And, as always, something catches my eye and throws me off track. This ancient picture (circa 1993) was recently placed right into our hands and inspired me to piece it together --- such the history nut --- I have to record these stories. Page layout: scraplifted from the talented Stephanie Howell's "Oh to be" February Trends layout.


Nichole said...

Sooooo sweet!

And um...I was in 7th grade in 93!!! Holy Cow!

Pam said...

I love it!!! Wow, that is so awesome you got this picture!!! I really wish I had one of Shaun and I from Papa Johns. Might have to search my negatives and be able to find one. I really love your journaling too:)