Sunday, September 12, 2010

not exactly

We are somewhere in between. We are getting back to into schedules. But not exactly. Having to juggle homework and housework. But not exactly. Play time is taken up by trying to catch up on chores, sleep, and conversations. But not exactly.

We are happy to report a successful first week. The promise of a great school year is on the road to success. There hasn't been enough homework to say we are really juggling it, and the housework hasn't been too stressful. Our hardest effort is waking up next to that rooster of an alarm clock before the sun has even greeted the horizon. We were able to kick back and relax for a bit last night and watch a movie, but there were no picture pretty moments (or at least that I thought to grab the camera for). Next weekend that should all change. It's a BIG one. Papa turn 70 next Sunday -- and for some reason Brandan has ditched the idea of making SEVENTY cupcakes; hmmmmm...we will get our game plan together soon.


Pam said...

hee hee, love the comic! So feel you on this, we were just getting comfortable in our routine, but with A being home all last wee, it kinda through us all off! We'll make it there...someday:)

The Sonboul's said...

It's amazing how much this sounds like me lol. Life can be crazy....can't it?!